Service Coordination History
In 2007 Pulaski County along with many other SB40 Boards across Missouri, was asked by DMH if the SB40 Board would consider providing Targeted Case Management support coordination for residents of Pulaski County with developmental disabilities – a move that would help alleviate the high caseloads from the state, give citizens another choice for services, and allow for any Medicaid dollars earned by Pulaski County Special Services to stay in Pulaski County.
As of December 2023, we serve 140 Medicaid client’s and 25 Non-Medicaid clients. The work we do for Non-Medicaid clients is pro-bono, as we do not receive compensation from MoHealthNet. We have 68 clients’ in Medicaid Waivers. Self-Directed Supports is a successful service in our county and continues to show growth and ranked the 7th highest growth rate in the state within this category.
As of December 2023, we serve 140 Medicaid client’s and 25 Non-Medicaid clients. The work we do for Non-Medicaid clients is pro-bono, as we do not receive compensation from MoHealthNet. We have 68 clients’ in Medicaid Waivers. Self-Directed Supports is a successful service in our county and continues to show growth and ranked the 7th highest growth rate in the state within this category.
Our Support Coordinators provide case management services to individuals with developmental disabilities for any age. We are here to help individuals and families navigate through the array of services by coordinating, linking and connecting them to resources and services. Advocating on their behalf to ensure they are being treated fairly and receiving the services as identified in our person-centered planning process. Support Coordinators build relationships with the individual and their family/responsible party, as well as with agencies to work toward identifying specific needs and goals, developing a plan to access any and all available resources to meet those goals.
Pulaski County Special Services Staff
Tonya Brown Executive Director / 573-855-7240
Brittany Lietz Support Coordinator /573-855-0652 Kimberley Huitt Support Coordinator /573-855-7243 Jayne Tucker Support Coordinator /573-586-7312 Jane Connell Support Coordinator /573-855-9677 Erica Jackson Support Coordinator /573-730-5620 |
Service Coordination: Our Process
A plan is developed that outlines the goals of the planning team for the year. Goals may be short term or steps to achieve a long term goal. They can be a combination of needs or wants. It is the individual and planning team’s job to work towards goals, wants and needs that the individual would like for their life. The Service Coordinator works to facilitate the planning process and ensure critical elements are put into place per state and federal guidelines. The Service Coordinator also works to gather resources for the person. The job of the Service Coordinator is not to do for the person, but to assist in developing relationships with natural supports, link individuals to resources who provide expertise in desired areas and developing a plan that moves a person forward in their life. Additionally, when an individual receives paid supports that are contracted through the Department of Mental Health, the Service Coordinator will monitor the services. We only provide Case Management services to those individuals who are determined eligible for TCM services through the Regional Office and who reside in Pulaski County.
When someone is new to our services, we strive to make contact with them right away so that we can get a plan in place. Our goal is to never go more than three working days without establishing contact. We met this goal 99% of the time. In addition, for every person served, we had an initial Individual Plan in place within 30 working days of our first contact. Medicaid and the Department of Mental Health mandate that once a plan is in place, it must be renewed within 365 days of implementation. This year, we met this requirement 97% of the time. On average, annual plans that included paid services were turned in 30 days before the deadline for implementation. Assessments are a crucial part of the planning process as a way to identify strengths, abilities, and needs and to review information previously documented and determine if that information is still current. Both Medicaid and the Department of Mental Health have some basic assessments that they require us to complete. We met those requirements 95% of the time.
Information recorded in the records of the person served must be accurate, timely, and complete. We conduct audits of log notes throughout the year to ensure that we are meeting this assurance. We averaged a score of 96% on our log audits. We scored 95% on our record reviews. The Executive Director reviews all of the Individual Plans written to ensure that all needed components are in place. The Rolla Regional Office conducts quarterly reviews of Individual Plans, and yearly reviews of the TCM agency as a whole. The county conducts a yearly financial audit. In 2020 there were no issues found.
After a plan is written and services located, the case manager monitors the service to make sure that it is effective and that the person is being served in the manner that they described in their Individual Plan. Part of this is accomplished through Service Monitoring and Quarterly Reviews. Our case managers completed 98% of both the Service Monitoring and Quarterly Review requirements.